Concourse/Signature in motion...

This is what we began working on today...a '94 1,300 horsepower Toyota Supra. This is the result so far of being 1/5th of the way complete on our Concourse/Signature hybrid detail package. More pics and a complete video coming soon, stay tuned!
- The Detail Boss

UPDATE: We've completed the Supra's Concourse Finish Detail! Here are a few pictures we snapped throughout the process as we went along. The real icing on the cake will be when we post the FINAL cut before/after pictures taken in DIRECT SUNLIGHT. We will always show before and after pictures since many other detailer's rarely, if ever, take before & after pictures, let alone out in direct sunlight. We take pride in our work for you and showing you that we aren't trying to hide things since direct sunlight shows imperfections left behind by unskilled & untrained detailers. We always show up close and detailed images, unlike others who only may show a picture from 6-10ft away at best. By the way, we are finishing up the editing on a killer before/after video of the whole transformation of a swirled & scratched mess of a surface this car once had, to a deep sea of black flowing glass. Enjoy!
- The Detail Boss